Who were we back then?

Was Red Frog, now RedFrog - lost a space along with some youthful vigor. Was in college, bored shitposting (back before we all knew what that was) and sad sacking trying to figure out life.

How sure are we that this isn’t Ethan just trying to get in on that Zuckerberg data mining money? I’m sure someone will pay handsomely for my list of favorite sophomore albums from folk rock side projects.


I was nearwildsam, one time mod of the Mike Mills forum. Started in Jacksonville, FL & worked at Toys R Us. Did some time in Wisconsin.

Moved to Chicago, became Samorama. I live blissfully alone with a dog and a cat in a basement in Chicago. I’m a DJ/VJ/bar door person. I still stay up very very late or early, depending on how you see it.


Welcome back Eric.


Leilani then, Leilani now, but actual name is Lucy. Was only thinking about my forums’ name a couple of days ago, as there was somebody on the radio with that name. Oh those were the days of being somewhat anonymous online!


I was a relative late comer to murmurs, around 2005. At that time I had just moved to New Zealand to start a faculty position in statistics. I hung out in the Tbar and was cheered on by murmursians through my first pregnancy. I now have three children (15, 12 and 9). I’m still an academic although I have changed universities. Have gotten the chance to meet a few people in person over the years which has been fun.


Yes, it’s nice to reminisce! I remember when the board changed. Panic! :joy::joy:


I was Zarok back then and chose to use the same handler when I signed up here again. I hardly post on other part of Murmurs back then as I mostly interested in the band’s live shows. Hence, I used to moderate the R.E.M. Trading shows back then. I’m so excited to see the revival of this board as I met and found lots of friends here.


I’m a newbie here, because I was only 8 when Murmurs stopped. My username is GoTellCrusade because Driver 8 is among my favourite REM songs. My location might also be interesting. (I don’t really think REM have a lot of fans in Hungary…)


I think I had the same screen name back then. I was a middle aged fan so now I’m OLD! So glad this site is back!


I was and still am tiffany. I think I mostly lurked on the old site, but I do still have and frequently use my murmurs.com mug from CafePress (which I assume was legit Ethan merch, but it’s been so long, I don’t remember). Back then I was an awkward late-highschooler or awkward post-highschooler who wasn’t going to college yet. Now I’m an awkward adult, but I still find comfort in R.E.M. music.

I also live in the Pacific Northwest, even though I can’t see Canada from where I live. I feel like we should start our own club.


I was distiple (I think, it looks weird to see that written out now). I amended it with “2.0” after reregistering following a fully deserved ban for being an obnoxious 14-year old.
The name now makes me cringe, as would most of my old posts I’m sure, but it’s nice to go down memory lane reading some of your old handles here. :slight_smile:


Ah, the joys of reliving our obnoxious days :grinning: I think we’ve all done it at some time.


I’m Laura, Avalon then, and now. Since my name was in reference to my Arthurian myth phase, I must’ve joined around '99-00? I was living in the Boston area back then, originally from CT. Since then I’ve lived in Philly, where I met my now-husband, moved to Seattle for ten years, and now for the past four plus years, in San Sebastían, Spain.

I’m absolutely thrilled Murmurs is back. These past few months have been tough on me with S.A.D. kicking in and limited access to friends and family back home due to the pandemic. Thank you VERY much Ethan!


I was on here with defunct email address way back when.
Live on North Side of the Thames in sunny Essex.(East of Old London Town)

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I thought I was Dorset_Dinos back then, but the name was available so it must have been a permutation of the same.
I’m Leigh, I was here from about 2006 which coincided with my diagnosis of breast cancer and I had the most amazing support from people here.
Cancer treatment is all a dim memory now which is a good feeling.
Much has changed since I was last here - my name, my address, my cat. I made some great friends- Sheila, Jules, Jutta and of course Astrid.
Ethan introduced me (and many others) to Facebook which was probably the beginning of the end for forums like this.
Nice to see it come back. :slightly_smiling_face:


And another newbie! WOO! Welcome! :star_struck:

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I was Slinky1 back then and I guess I will keep it now. Emily in real life. I started on Murmurs back in about2004. I met some wonderful friends there we traveled to REM concerts together and to Minus 5, Baseball Project etc. I was anew Assistant Professor at a major university. Now I am an administrator at a smaller University. Glad to be back.


Hey guys, great to be back on Murmurs.com. My name is David and, as you can see, my handle is 3leggeddog; which it was way back in the latter part of the 90’s too.
Looking forward to hearing from some familiar people and great to see so many ‘old’ and new faces on here :slight_smile: :grinning:


I used to be hoffi65 on murmurs back then. Still am, my christian name is Klaus. I am based in Austria and used to work for Warners from '92 till 2012. Being the Marketing Director and General Manager of the company over here i had the pleasure of meeting the band and seeing them lots of times. I have been a fan since '83 when i first heard “Murmur”, still my favourite album of theirs. Today, I am managing a couple of artists.


Hi! I think I was cheekyweelassie back then too. My memory is dreadful these days.
I spent a lot of time on Murmurs, finding a sense of community when I was lonely and quite lost. I was really focused on my job as a broadcast journalist in a small Midlands town in England, but didn’t have much else in my life. R.E.M. was my constant soundtrack and I loved sharing that with like-minded people on Murmurs. I saw the band live 30+ times.
Life is different now. I moved to London and met a person who loved me for who I am. I realised I was gay and the loneliness fell away. We are married, living in London and we have an amazing 5 year old daughter.
I had to give up work a few years ago because I became unwell, and each day is a struggle with fatigue and pain, but my family is why I get out of bed every day. I am doing my best to indoctrinate my daughter into R.E.M.!