Who were we back then?

I went to the lady doctor a few months ago, after not going for many years, and her comments as she was examining me – little things that go along with the “You’re going to feel a little pinch” warnings – made me realize how old I’ve gotten and how inactive I am, in many ways. I won’t go into the embarrassing details of the comments, but… sheesh. Yeah, I’m not ready for this. facepalm


I do. Because you couldn’t go into the pool because it was a new tattoo. Probably had it not been for that one limitation it might not have been as easy to remember but I do remember it.

I’m Kozlover (aka Amy). Murmurs was a secret, happy place for me through my high school and college years. I didn’t post often (I was scared of internet chat groups back then :laughing:) but did make some connections/email pals through murmurs over the years. I lurked often and always felt comforted knowing there were others who appreciated the band as much, or more, than me.

I also always, always wanted to join one of the meet-ups in Athens but never did. I still regret that! I remember reading everyone’s summaries after the meet-ups and feeling wistful about everyone’s comments on how much fun the meetups were and how nice everyone was.

Having murmurs.com back feels like second chances are possible though. It’s so great to get another chance to relive a happy time of R.E.M. obsessing & making new friends. Yay!


Welcome home Amy!


Welcome back!!

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So this happened.

I was “acheron” on Murmurs, mainly from late 2001 to 2004ish. At that time I was in college in Massachusetts. I graduated college, moved to Virginia, and have been there ever since. I now have three kids ages 10, 8 and almost 6.

I’m still in social media contact with a couple of old Murmurs people including some who have already posted here. And regarding those I lost contact with I’m recognizing a lot of other names here, which is fun.

I hope everyone is doing well.


Kevin! I was waiting for you to show up. Welcome home :slight_smile:


Thanks for starting this up again. :slight_smile:


I know I was on the old Murmurs. No recollection of what name I might have used. Too far gone. Just took a stab at what I would likely have used in that era.

I was mostly lurking, hanging with some of the live show traders. Fun to see some old names pop up.

I was moderately famous for a minute for posting MP3s of songs from ATS sped up a bit, when speeding up music without altering pitch wasn’t quite so easy to do.

While I’m personally private, I’m still passionate about this band and their music. I’ll still argue songs with anyone and everyone.

See y’all around.


I loved Murmurs.com! It made me feel like I was part of something bigger and secret. Thanks so much for bringing it back, Ethan. I know lots of people have said it, but we mean it!


Welcome back!!!

I’m a little late to the party. Just found out about this board’s revival. I had my name as my handle before and kept it when I reregistered even though I usually use a different name for message board these days.

I was an occasional commenter who enjoyed checking the site for news and talk about one of my favorite bands. I’ve been a REM fan since Document and have remained a voracious music fan and concertgoer.

I’m still living in Southern California although no longer working as a journalist, switching to marketing/communications at a university.

Glad to see this site back.


Welcome back!!

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halfaworld then, halfaworld now. Was a lurker for a while before I joined, not sure exactly when.
Spent too long posting terrible teenage ideas on murmurs in high school/university.
For an embarrassingly long time didn’t work out that Ethan’s username was ethan-k, not e-thank (which makes no sense?!)
Man, it’s weird to see so many familiar names of people I never met and don’t know but kind of do a bit.


Twistedkite/ Owenshire

Well for what it’s worth, the name is Robert Muhlbock, and I went by twistedkite. I’m currently 45 years old. I’ve loved R.E.M. since I was—wait for it—12 years old. I’m actually planning to make a VLOG about this because….why not? I’ll let you know what it’s done.

Anyhoo, I was a long time lurker on murmurs for YEARS (I’d post the odd thread but was more of a reader), but I didn’t post regularly until I started recording (circa 2011) R.E.M. covers with UK R.E.M. super-fan Clive Butler. I was the singer; he the guitarist. The project was “Remember Every Moment,” and I just kept posting them (for better or worse—as I regard some of VERY mixed quality, lol).

Perfect Circle (done in the drum machine way) and Ha (We Get Paid For It) still are my favourites.
I stopped recording covers as I was using it as an excuse to avoid working on my own original songs, which I’m now doing in full force. To hear my latest release that sounds like a combo of TOOL, R.E.M. and Crosby, Stills, and Nash (no, really!), click HERE.

I’m a professor of language, communication, and video game theory at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario Canada–same then as now. Still married (20 years!) still with the same two kids, lol (who are older—15 and 13).

When I’m not recording songs under the name Owenshire, I’m playing video games (currently Persona 5, but after 80 hours I may need a break to plan Death’s Door), and indulging in all things R.E.M.

Good to re-meet all of you. Thank you for bringing this back Ethan.


Welcome back!!

Hi, i was HalfAWorldAway back on the old board, nice to see it return.


Surely after seeing a few friends for a glass or two just seeing the usernames gets me a little too emotional to admit. It’s like 2004 all over again!


You’re still in Helsinki?

Yeah, here’s where I’ve been for a fair while now and it’s good. Ideal size city for everything to work smoothly. How’s the new house? Saw some really nice pics on FB.

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