So, how’s it going

Sorry to hear that. They become such a big part of your life. Our cat is everything to us, can’t bear the thought of losing him.


Sorry to hear. Pets are like family or a dear friend. It is sad losing them. x


Thanks all. Definitely miss him. It was a sad weekend.

Our other cat is a year or so younger and still seems pretty healthy so hopefully he’ll be around for awhile. I don’t think we’re ready for a new one yet but eventually.

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Aw, I’m so sorry. My sympathies.


After three years, I finally caught COVID. I knew it’d catch me at some point. I’m vaxxed and boosted. I mask. I’m careful. But at some point, it would happen. It happened this week.

I travelled to the DC area to see a friend. Was there for four days. Mostly masked except for a few quick trips to the hotel lobby (and swimming, but I was the only one in the pool. And I was swimming). Woke up one morning without a voice. Tested negative for two days before I tested positive (after I got home). Boo.

My voice sounds like a TikTok voice filter. It’s basically been a gnarly 48hr headcold. I’m taking paxlovid and was testing negative before I finished two full doses (I’m expecting a rebound, like most people I know who’ve taken paxlovid). I’m no longer producing massive amounts of snot, it never impacted my lungs or breathing. But I’m exhausted—fatigued, really.

I’m isolating, and I’m bored AF.

My friend? Did he get it? No. He’s had it multiple times (he’s in healthcare so he’s been exposed more) and is also vaxxed/boosted.


Damn! It’s getting harder and harder to avoid, but if it had to happen, it sounds like it’s at least not too terrible. From what everyone tells me,
rest is key! :tea: :ramen:


Sleep is key. The fatigue and brain fog are real. I feel a little bit better each day. Today was my first full day of work (working from home) since I tested positive (I’ve been testing negative since Sunday). I hit a physical and mental wall about 1:30. I set everything to “away” and took a hard 45-min nap.


Got the Sunday Blues.

hope you’re doing better. now I’ve gotten it too. hasn’t been too bad, but I did spend a couple of days just resting in bed.


The rest is the most important part, at least out was for me.


Yeah after a few days I’m feeling somewhat better, though the test still came back positive today so I’m not going anywhere.

Funnily enough I probably caught it in DC too.


I think DC is just a constant hotspot for it.

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Kathleen is going to Japan in March, and I’m already worrying about Covid exposure on the flights and in the airports. Mask usage is much higher in Japan, and given the crime rates, she’ll be safer in Tokyo than she is in Albuquerque on any given weekend night, so my fretting is laser-focused on just the travel portion of the trip.

However, she’s going to Japan! She’s going to see her favorite artist in concert twice! She’ll get to celebrate her birthday with friends in Japan! I’m excited for her! :grimacing:


I tested negative on Sunday, but still have a lingering cough that I haven’t shaken yet.

Didn’t seem to have any mental fog, but physical fatigue has been there. We were having an electrical issue and I was trying to fix it, and after a couple trips up and down to the basement to turn off and on the circuit breaker I was winded for quite awhile. So haven’t recovered enough to do that yet. Still haven’t left the house.


Trying to hang on with the kid’s mom still suffering with ALS, one kid who has shut me out of her life, and another who is in the psychiatry unit awaiting a group home. I try to hang on day by day, trying to keep my other 2 kids happy and well as find some happiness in my own life. Day by day…

I’m currently in downtown LA. I’ve been here since Friday for a conference. I’m less than a mile from the Grammies and part of me wanted to go wander around the Arena just to do it. But I’m old and my entire body hurts.

Heading home tomorrow.

Last time I was anywhere near LA, I was in Anaheim. And Steve Engler drove to Anaheim from Pasadena, picked me up, took me to Hollywood for vegan food at Doomies. Then we hit Amoeba Records, and he gave me a tourist view of the Walk of Fame. I’ve been to thinking about him a lot since I’ve been here. I miss him.


I tested positive for COVID earlier this morning.

I came down with a sore throat on Saturday evening, so I backed out of a trail race that I was scheduled to run on Sunday morning. The sore throat lasted most of the day yesterday, with an occasional dry cough. My temperature usually reads around 97, but it was 99.0 this morning. I feel a little out of sorts, but my symptoms are pretty mild so far.

I had an online consultation with a doctor through my health insurance just now. He gave me a cough medicine prescription, along with a prescription for Paxlovid, but encouraged me not to take the Paxlovid unless things take a turn for the worse.

Nobody wants this to happen, but, if I had to pick at time to catch COVID, then I would pick right now. The winter weather is still in effect. I do not have any concerts scheduled for several weeks, and I have no pressing obligations outside of work. I have to self-isolate for five days, including my birthday on Thursday, and then wear a mask for five days after that if I am in the clear.


Yeah, I tested positive right before a three day weekend. Granted, it was supposed to rain all weekend but it was really nice for part of it.

I took the paxlovid and I only tested positive for 2 days. I tested + on Friday and the worst of it (head cold symptoms, headache, fever) were over by Sunday. I still felt crappy and tired and my voice was still questionable, but the sinus pressure and snot was gone.

I still have a minor cough, mostly due to some minor sinus drainage. That could be allergies, it could be lingering COVID stuff.

Don’t push it. Sleep. I’ve said this before, but the exhaustion is real.


Well, after avoiding it for three years, my partner and I have both tested positive today. Didn’t feel great yesterday. Slept as best I could for about 20 hours. Feel a lot better today. Hopefully over the worst, but we’ll see how it goes…


My temperature went up slightly this afternoon, so I decided, after some drawn-out internal debate, to go ahead and start with my first Paxlovid dose. It is probably better not to mess around with this virus, because I’m not a spring chicken.