Most prized R.E.M. possession

My R.E.M. collection has been growing steadily since the mid 1990s. Now standing at over 1,200 individual items :smile:

Out everything, I’d say my copy of Document LP from Zimbabwe, and Green and Up cassettes from India are amongst my priced possession.

The hyperlinked number starting with r is the version on Discogs.


This certainly isn’t my most prized R.E.M. possession, but I couldn’t find a better place to post nor I wanted to start a new thread. It turned up while I was decluttering my room and at the same time assembling a new bookshelf. I had actually forgotten that I owned this magazine which I bought on ebay at the time of Out of Time 25th. Of course I don’t understand German, but I imagine it’s the typical media appearance coinciding with an important product release or reissue, and it’s accompanied by a 7-inch, 3-track Losing my religion single, which needless to say haven’t heard yet nor I’m in the mood for listening to right now :slight_smile:

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Bought a copy myself. :grinning:

Mine is probably an original brick from the Athens steeple. And the memory of being at their last performance in the U.S. at Voodoo Fest in NOLA in 2008.


I’ve got a pretty sizable collection of REM memorabilia, but this has to be at the top of the list. For years I regretted not buying one of these in the 80s when they were 10 bucks, but a few years back I lucked into one at $40. I had it professionally framed and I get to see it in my media room at home every day.


My new Chronic Town Tee-Shirt

My new Fables T-shirt

My external hard drive which contains excellent vinyl transfers and user-remastered versions of every R.E.M. album.

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I’ve moved house a lot in the last 10 years or so. Finally feeling settled enough to unpack things that have been in boxes for years and I found this, which I think I mentioned in my original post. Michael Stipe scrunched it up and threw it into the crowd on the 3rd and final night at Stirling Castle in 1999. It bounced off the bald head of the guy in front of me, and straight into my hand. (If he’d had hair, things could’ve been so different…)

I thought I’d lost this at some point in all the house moves, so I was really pleased to find it.


I love that poster. I wish I’d been old enough to attend that show!

My poster of Monster. Only cost me $10 but it’s always been on the wall for me to look at.