So, how’s it going

I guess I’m lucky here that I can drop that stuff off basically any day. Actually may go back pretty soon because I’m going to be getting rid of a bunch of old computer parts and they take “electronic waste” there too.


A cycling of recycling?:thinking:

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During COVID times, my gym closed so when we moved I built one at my house (attached). As I need to amortize the cost, I pay a trainer to come beat the shit out of me twice a week. Today was one of those days. Tomorrow is a board meeting and I’ll actually go into the office (and wear jeans!)


My niece developed scoliosis as a tween, seemingly out of nowhere, and when a Boston brace didn’t work, had a spinal fusion which instantly made her several inches taller.

My nieces are all pretty little. They might appreciate a few inches of height.

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I pay a trainer to beat the shit out of me at a gym. Tonight was one of those nights. I told him that I hated him and I told him to fuck off. But I did squat 125lbs (2 set of 6 preceded by on set of six at 115).


Tonight was build to a heavy two front squat (245) then a 20 minute workout that involved 4 times through of 10 pull ups, 15 presses and 25 cal row, with one min of rest.

Any workout where I’m laying on the floor at the end is good.



Man, the vibes are off today. I can’t quite put my finger on why. Gonna cook some beef and broccoli for supper and get to bed


If you’re in the U.S., it might be this wonky weather. Enjoy your dinner.

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I got a new storm door today. The one I had has been problematic since I bought the place. It finally broke a few months ago. I ordered the new one in December, but like most everything else, it was gonna take awhile to get. Honestly, it got here earlier than I thought.

Also: the situation with Putin and Ukraine is frustrating and terrifying. My undergrad is in Russian history—Russian, not Soviet, but I still have a fairly solid understanding of Soviet history (and, no, I don’t speak Russian but I wish I did). Putin’s speech was infuriating and misinformed and based on a deranged autocrat’s fantasy. So I’m just gonna be happy that I have a nice new storm door.


I got some really good news today, even in the face of all the weirdness in the world. The dog is also going crazy.


I got a new office chair for home. I finally accepted that my dining table is my office.

Also, Putin is a motherfucker.


It seems weird to be celebrating on the day Russia invades Ukraine, but Melissa was just offered a post-doc position at the University of Michigan! They flew her out for interviews on Monday, and she really liked the people and the lab, and the work they’re doing is perfectly aligned with her interests. And Ann Arbor is almost exactly halfway between Max’s parents to the north and one of Melissa’s best friends to the south.


Congrats to Melissa!

That is wonderful

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Congrats to Melissa!!

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I have been MIA after suffering an injury on Monday.

Sore, bruised, swollen.

It was my own stupidity and not an injury caused by anyone else. More to come when I feel like sharing. :slight_smile:


Registered my youngest kid for elementary school next year. We sent him to a small private school for kindergarten this year, but next year he’ll be in 1st grade at the big elementary school. One year of all three kids at the same school (it goes through 6th grade, which my oldest will be in).


We had one year of both kids in one school, and that was it. Right now one kind in that same school, the other in an independent learning school that is both on and off campus. I miss the days of one drop off!

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