Science, Tech and geeky stuff

Are you people trying to kill me? Arachnids and insects freak me out so bad.Especially the poisonous and disease carrying ones. Please stop!

I have the same thing with cockroaches Etty. During humid weather, if one enters the house I get my husband to dispatch or take it outside, and I can’t be there when he does it. They run fast and if it’s stomped on, the crunch and everything else than comes with it sends me in sickened quivers.

I still use headphones. Having something stuck in my ears annoys me. I think air-pods have an advantage if you want your music there when you move around. I haven’t tried the latest air-pods so I don’t know about the sound quality.

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Well my pictures kinda sucked, so I mostly just watched the eclipse. It didn’t seem to get as dark as the one in 2012, but was still cool seeing the weird light and feel the drop in temperature. Here’s one pic that didn’t come out, but you can see it in the lens flare:

Some shadows from a wicker chair:


Thanks for your reply, Lori. In the end I went to the Bose page for shits & giggles and found re- conditioned cans for a really good price. Bose does the complete,inspection and all repairs themselves if needed and you can return them if not happy. So I went with that and got the last one in the promotion! I’ll let you know what I think when they arrive. I’m so used to cans now I’m wary of macaroni ear buds. And knowing me, I’d lose them on a train or something. Now I’m impatiently waiting for prestigious phones to arrive. I was just in the hospital for a month from a bad accident when my head got caught in a metal ladder. TLDR, that needs its own thread. But if I didn’t have Spotify and cans to keep me sane I would have lost my mind completely. I re- discovered Steely Dan and that’s what I’ll use as the test for Bose phones. Apparently loads of real musicians pick SDan for testing sound quality so I’m in good company when the darn thing gets here. I also want to compare the noise cancelling on Bose cos hospital noises aren’t pleasant esp at night.I never thought I’d be able to afford anything Bose, so I’m impatient and excited to experience the prestige that goes with the brand. Will keep you posted. Cheers!

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Glad you found something Etty. I haven’t been paying attention to sound equipment lately so I didn’t chime in.

Are you doing okay now? See that you start that thread!

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Please do! x

My eldest daughter needed to borrow a big suitcase we keep in our loft (attic). She got an old metal ladder we keep downstairs and left it by the wall opposite the top of the stairs. I came up late for bed in the dark and it fell on me. I didn’t know what it was but my head was trapped between the rungs. I panicked and struggled. There were sharp pieces of steel poking up and I was so frantic I was thrashing. It was like something from a nightmare. I didn’t know what TF was happening.Took multiple deep gashes to my neck. Family woke up and disengaged me, but I was bleeding a lot so I was blue lighted by ambulance to hospital. A plastic surgeon took 4 1/2 hours to stitch all the tiny nerves and blood vessels back together. He told me it was a miracle it missed the jugular, or I would have bled out in 4 minutes! 4 MINUTES!!! Lucky indeed. There was so much shredded tissue needed binned but he managed to make my mouth symmetrical again. My bite’s different cos he had to move my jaw. It’s hysterical trying to watch me eat a sandwich now, I have to cut it up in little pieces like a toddler. Lucky escape, eh? I even got a tiny face lift. There’s only a thin scar down my neck from my jawbone. This surgeon was a magician. I saw a photo of the original wounds and nearly threw up. My neck was chopped meat. So that’s the story. Soon scar will be barely noticeable. I’ll just have to learn to eat a different way, but at least I’m not deformed or, um, DEAD.Daughter was horrified but by then she was in NYC. I’ll never go upstairs in the dark again.

Wow, I’m glad you’re (somewhat) okay! I would’ve been scared shitless!


Good God almighty! You and me both are at the age where we should always turn on a light to walk around, but that’s a pretty harsh way for you to learn it! I’m happy that you’re still alive to tell the tale.


I would have been scared as hell too especially something like that happening in the dark! Glad to hear you’re recovering well Etty. x

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The dirty culprit. The stains aren’t blood, that was cleaned. Just to show what a nasty contraption it is. Had it at least 30 years. I’ll never use it again if I can help it.


Seeing the picture, I kind of want to take it out and destroy it ritually in some manner. If only it were flammable!


Hmm… aluminum melts around ​1220 °F (660 °C). Maybe a ceramics kiln or something.

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Melt the culprit aluminum ladder & pour it on the insects that scare Etty.


That’s the perfect idea!

We once had a giant ant hill in our back yard, and I idly wondered if we could get someone to do this with it, but oddly enough, the people who do anthill casting already have enough to work with!

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I knew the play by Arthur Miller about the Salem witch trials. This might sound dumb, I didn’t know what a crucible was until I saw that aluminim casting video.

That’s not dumb! I’ve seen the title of the play a lot more than the name of a metalworking device.


Well, except for that time we both had after-hour metalworking jobs with Suzanne’s brother.

This was the moon tonight at 9.40pm looking NE. A rose glow through the clouds and the tiny speck just above is Jupiter I believe.


There are three wasps at the nest now. I tried to zoom in closer, pic is a bit blurred. At the moment they’re not bothering us, just let them be, Watching these critters at work is fascinating.