Oh great! Thanks for the advice & link.
I recently watched the Tragically Hip documentary on Amazon Prime and got some Tragically Hip records: Road Apples, Saskadelphia and Live at the Roxy.
I purchased four…four…different vinyl color incarnations of The Cure - Songs of a Lost World.
I went all in, because they are my favorite band. I am floored, though, at how utterly amazing this new album really is.
The Flaming Lips are touring Australia late January next year. They’re playing in my city, I got my tickets!
I saw the Flaming Lips on a bill with Weezer and Dinosaur Jr in October. It was excellent.
Possibly my last purchase for the year, though not my last acquisition. Still waiting for a couple records in the mail, etc.
Flaming Lips - American Head
Well I bought some more. I have a problem.
Flaming Lips - Death Trippin At Sunrise
Flaming Lips - Telepathic Surgery
Sleater-Kinney - All Hands on the Bad One
Paul McCartney & Wings - One Hand Clapping
Rick White & the Sadies - At the Great Hall
R.E.M. - Reveal
An update on this, my fingers are pretty used to the steel strings now, I can practice for an hour straight before they start hurting. I have to remember to correct my posture as I tend to hunch over to look at the frets which hurts my back. Some of my chords are sounding clearer and some still sound terrible, I’m still a bit slow with some chord changes. My strumming technique has improved a lot, I’m real happy about that.
Awesome! I’ve been playing for 30 years I guess. I never really got great at it, but it’s not too difficult to get to a level where you can strum the chords to songs you like and enjoy yourself.
Also, the chords will eventually become second nature and you won’t have to look at the frets, so the hunching won’t last forever!
I pre-ordered the new Bonnie Prince Billy album the other day, and noticed this. Not a record, but a children’s book based on a song from my favourite Bonnie Prince Billy album, Superwolves. I love it.