Looking for a photo of Bill playing drums on the Monster tour

Hello all! I’m looking for a photo of Bill playing drums on the Monster tour to complete my frame job from the 95 Vegas show. I found a photo of Peter from the show to add to the collage but surprisingly can’t find any photos of Bill playing the drums from that era. Any help is greatly appreciated. I was front row at the Vegas show and managed to snag the set list.


Maybe you can do a screenshot from a YouTube from that era?

Damn, I am jealous! How’d you find pictures from the show you saw?

My friend Scott took photos at the Vegas show. He gave me about 30 decent photos, none of which were of Bill. He said he couldn’t get a good angle. I ended up snagging a setlist and framed the photos and set list together but eventually wanted to have photos of all four guys.

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Awesome! I am not going to lie, I am a little jealous. Happy for you but jealous. I have spent an unbelievable amount of time trying to track down pictures from the show I saw in Cleveland. It will pay off one day but until then it is quite frustrating. That’s an awesome frame you have, especially with the setlist

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It’s a known fact that drummers are never in pictures; at least that’s what the drummer in my previous band explained to me.

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