Last night I dreamt

I dreamt of black rats running around in the garden last night, I watched the horror scifi movie Species before going to bed late. We normally have black starlings in our garden. :laughing:


Woke up this morning after an awful dream, I felt like I was paralyzed, struggled to move but couldnā€™t. I was laying down in what seemed like a field, it was dark & murky. There was this hideous squealing in the background. I struggled to wake myself up. Iā€™ve had this kind of dream before, thankfully they are rare. Itā€™s known as sleep paralysis apparently.


I get that too! Though I havenā€™t had one for years. Used to get it a lot. Itā€™s absolutely terrifying. I used to get a loud drill/alarm sound as well.

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ā€œI donā€™t dream, I sleepā€ (misquote of someone, canā€™t remember who!)

As I understand it, sleep paralysis, youā€™re somewhere caught in between sleep & waking up. I heard some superstitions about phantoms & sleep demons but I refuse to believe it as it makes even more scary. :open_mouth:

Kate, Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re joking :grin: but just for the record, R.E.M. song ā€œI Donā€™t Sleep, I Dreamā€

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{Yep a little joke there :wink:)

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I had a dream about being scheduled to play a concert, but when it came time I didnā€™t actually know how to play the instrument or read the music.

Itā€™s like that dream lots of people say they have about being unprepared for a test or something.

(I am not actually a musician, for clarity ā€“ after high school band, Iā€™ve played guitar in public a total of 4 times.)


Seriously I must dream as we all do but I very rarely remember them. I have a notebook in my bedside drawer to write them down if I wake up remembering them but the last time I wrote in that was December 2020. The dream was about going to a conference on my own in a large mansion. My sister was there with a separate group. I tried to swot up a presentation I was giving. There were lots of people there in groups who I didnā€™t know and then I saw my uncle arrive with a group of friends. There were lots of confusing staircases over 6/7 floors and I found it difficult to get from one floor to another. The previous dream in April 2021 was about being in a lift which wouldnā€™t stop at the right floor. Maybe connected with that unpreparedness for something/fear of not getting to where youā€™re supposed to be.

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This happened when I was a kid. I wore braces on my teeth, after having them out, I had to wear an acrylic mouth guard at night for a while until my new straight teeth settle in. One night I dreamt I was eating and being perplexed why the piece of meat I was chewing was so tough. I woke up, I had been chewing on my mouth guard. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: